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Thursday, February 14, 2013

小包子 in the supermarket!

Hello everyone
Today is the third day of Chinese New Year,I took 小包子 to the supermarket buy something to eat.
小包子 was exciting cause he never came to  Taiwan's supermarket before.Is there any different between Taiwan's supermarket and America's?
During the Chinese New Year,there are many decoration for luck,for example:luck money packet,colorful fruits,firecrackers and many candies!

when we arrived home,小包子 saw many cherry blossoms in front my house.
小包子 was happy cause the flowers are beautiful.
and wish 小包子 have a great trip in Taiwan!


  1. I like your question! To compare the difference of supermarkets between two countries could be a good title of an essay. But what I can tell you is that the COSTCO in Taiwan looks almost the same as in US. :)

    1. Sorry for reply you late...
      I thought maybe there are some difference, but maybe not cause I had been to America when I was child, I remembered that there are no difference, is that right?
      Actually I like COSTCO better haha.

  2. I like how I can get everything I need in Walmart and Target :)

    1. yeah that's very convenient! I like to shopping in the supermarket cause it's so big and there are many food can try haha!

  3. 食物看起来美味也许我可以尝试当我访问某一天

  4. O_O 很多糖果!我喜欢吃糖果和巧克力!hehe.

