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Friday, February 15, 2013

小包子in Taiwan's second day

Hi, there, I'm really sorry for posting this so late. It should be posted on 2/5, the day we have to go back to school during the winter vacation. Well, I still hope you can enjoy reading this.

小包子was in the小吃街around our school. We bought him to have a local meal, and after that, he's going to play volleyball with "super CLASS REN's volleyball team"!!


We prepared chopsticks for him, but...sorry, he could just watched us eating noodles cause bear don't eat noodles, do they?


                  I'm so sorry that my naughty classmates took off all his clothes without my attention... maybe they just thought it was too hot in there....

GO GO GO! Volleyball, here we come.


*小包子 think that the sisters in our class are so nice.><

This is Taiwan's convenient store--seven eleven~~

小包子 likes to lie in the refrigerator.

 小包子 was on the way home with me.We took the MRT.

 *小包子 think that it was really crowded here! Fortunately, we had a seat. :)

 Our dinner were 鍋貼and rice milk,鍋貼 are like dumplings in a longer shape. I think they taste better than dumplings, though.

 This is my home. And 小包子 had made many friends. 

He slept by my side. 

It was really a wonderful day.Goodnight~~~



  1. 我们也有Seven Eleven!我希望你在排球游戏玩得开心 !

  2. 在美国我们也有7ELEVEN. 但是我们没有呢麽多的7ELEVEN Stores. - Michelle
